Sunday, April 24, 2011


I don't usually do anything special for Easter. Today will be spent helping my friend pack and then getting a headstart on some studying for class. But I do love an excuse to look at cute bunny-themed stuff,

1) tea towel from etsy shop: fuzzy mug ($13)
2) bunny pillow cushion from etsy shop: cactus and cottontail ($44.02)
3) what's hoppenin' tee from mod cloth ($49.99)
4) rabbit ear salad mixers mod cloth  ($14.99)

Other fun stuff to check out:
- I'm loving this Vintage Ballroom Wedding
- Perfect for a baby's room or a midcentury themed living room, I'd gladly add this to my collection.
- Indoor vertical garden? Looks like an amazing modern art piece!

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