Friday, April 15, 2011

Ready for Spring

Amazing graffiti found on a jog

Isn't the cat graffiti adorable? I found it on a jog last week...

Speaking of jogging, I'm attempting to increase my exercise. I am committed to get more regular with jogging, and I really have enjoyed listening to This American Life each time I go. It keeps me distracted from my tired body but not so much that I don't get to enjoy my surroundings.

I'm also getting a trial pass to a local gym here. They offer a lot of fun-sounding classes and Colin's work qualifies us for a discount. We don't have a lot of spare money, but it's worth sacrificing for, especially since I know it so directly correlates to some of my back problems.

I've also fallen in love with Sephora again. After a spendy trip there I replenished my makeup bag and inspired myself to have fun with eye shadow again (Although my brows could use some love)

Hope everyone has fun this weekend. I'm heading over to check out Stumptown Comic Fest and possibly Record Store Day.

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