Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Interior Inspiration

Irene & Snookums

I love the picture of above for so many reasons. My Mom is rocking a really cute outfit (I love the headband) but if you look a little closer, you'll notice some gorgeous vintage furniture in the background. I wish it was still around!

Today I am hanging out in the bedroom. I find that this is the room that gets most neglected design-wise. I brought the dogs in here (They are normally gated into the living room) and am just spending some time in here. I feel like I need to figure out what sort of theme/feeling I want in here. As much as I love the romantic/crisp/white-themed bedrooms, I want something more functional (Hello, cat fur all over white duvets) Does anyone have any favorite bedroom-inspiration pictures? Send them my way!

So far this one and this one are my favorite (Can you tell I like that mustard-green as an accent color?)

Which, I think I may have mentioned it before, but I am totally in love with Pinterest. It eliminates the need to have a cluttered computer full of interior/exterior inspiration pictures, instead I can just track them on here. Follow me

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!! I love this one the best!


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