Sunday, June 5, 2011

Watercolors & Painted Toes

Still househunting! I'm not used to such a competitive market. So if you happen to be a Portland landlord who wants to rent a 2+ bedroom house with wood floors for $1350 or under feel free to contact me! I offer cute animals, superb baked goods, and the ability to garden :)

In other news, today on a break from studying I decided to do a little watercoloring of product packaging. I've been totally inspired by Handmade Love. I can't remember the last time I busted out watercolors (Grade school?) I am not used to working with a paintbrush at all and have to try to learn how to get control over it again.

In honor of Portland's summer weather finally showing up, I busted out the nail polish and had a bit of fun with my toes:

Well it's back to studying as my final is this Wednesady. I am so ready for a summer break. Although I'm not sure how much of a break it will be with wedding planning and moving. But, at least it will be without biology homework!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I always do my toenails like that! It's just too cute!
    I really like your blog btw! Greetings from sunny Bulgaria!


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