Tuesday, October 18, 2011

from my google reader...

Halloween Decor at Our House

I'm stuck in bed today feeling sick and I'm using it as an excuse to attack the hundreds of articles in my google reader.

So here are some favorites from my google reader:

- One of my favorite artists, Jill Bliss, has a studio tour up on Renest.
- I recently discovered kim gee's comics, and I love her work.
- I added The Nearsighted Owl's blog recently, and I've fallen in love with her writing, the lovely drawings she does, and her lists.
- Pumpkin scones? Yes please! oh, ladycakes has a delicious looking recipe posted.
- Speaking of baked goods, these apple pie cookies are going to be on my "must bake" list.
- I think I've blabbed about this next one on other social media sites, but I'm going to attempt to follow this 31 Days to an Organized Home (via Sometimes Sweet) It has some great tips and I feel like will get me kick started into spring winter cleaning.

Lastly, not from my google reader, but I squealed (yes, literally) when I saw West Elm is featuring a "Wise+Witty Owls" collection


  1. hi pretty!
    you've won a giveaway over on my blog, the running with scissors online journal class! please email me at dear.love@live.ca for details!

  2. Such a glorious list!!!

    I love The Nearsighted Owls blog! I've been following her for a while now, since September actually and she's awesome! ^_^


I look forward to reading each and every one of your comments. I do my best to respond, so please check back.