Monday, May 2, 2011

Monthly bills

Although I have previously posted about money, I thought I'd share about my system for monthly bills. About twice a month I fill this out to keep track of my bills. I put it some place visible (usually that means by my "office corner") so that I can have it in sight as I go through the month. It's a great way to remind yourself, and not to miss important bill due dates.

I normally have a composition notebook that I make a chart in of my bills, but lately I've decided to class it up and make something a bit more aesthically pleasing.

In the spirit of giving, I decided to share it with all of you as well (click on the image below to be taken to my Flickr, which will allow you to download it in it's original size)

Monthly Bills


Irene said...

you are your mother's daughter...

larissa bree said...

good idea I might steal this!

allison said...

Mom - yep!

Larissa - Go ahead, that's why I put it up! :)

beca said...

I'm sharing the link to this on my next post about budgeting!! so cute and helpful!!!

allison said...

Aw Beca, Thanks! Good, I hope more people can use it/find it helpful :)