Tuesday, December 21, 2010

First Day of Winter

for new sugar magazine
Illustration by the amazing, Gemma Correll
First day of winter? Whatever! It's felt like winter here for weeks. Given Portland is quite a change of pace weather wise from Sacramento. We've already had snow weeks ago (see here) so I'm not so sure of the official change in season. But anyhow, happy winter to everyone.

phenomenal photo by Pacing the Panic Room
It was too cloudy here to see the lunar eclipse, but Pacing the Panic Room caught it beautifully, so if you missed it to, or want to see an amazing series of photos of it check them out here.

Photo posted on Katie's blog of Green Bean collection!

Katie Green Bean is having a lovely giveaway, I've yet to read "The Green Bean" but hoping I win it, so I can finally admire all her lovely artwork.

Meanwhile, I am trying to battle this little bout of flu I seem to have caught. I'm not sure if it's that, or just my stomach acting up. Either way, I'd like it to leave (I'd consider it an early Christmas present!) I'm taking off to Paradise, California for the holidays to spend it with my family. It's my first Christmas that I've lived in Oregon, and I can't say I'm looking forward to the drive. But I've got my chains in the car, and these are just some of the memories from last year -


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